Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How Rare Recruits

Interesting article on what Rare (games) look for in graduating students. Not what you'd expect?

link (via gamasutra)

some tips:

  • Developers don't bite; we were all like you once -- come and join the collective.
  • Don't just apply to one studio; cast around and see what's on offer.
  • The best fanatical deal is not always the most desirable; working conditions and career prospects are far more important than an extra £1000 on a starting salary. Remember, it's only a starting salary.
  • If you want to look good in an application, have good core skills, base skills, and soft skills. Specific knowledge of software packages and engines are useful but only in the short term.
  • When you are interviewed, the interviewer(s) may be as nervous as you are; interviews are just stressful. Hopefully the interviewer(s) will try to minimize this for you.
  • If a developer turns you down once you can re-apply later; developers' staffing needs change over time.
  • If you are choosing a course, look at lots of courses, take your time choosing; if you know any developers or meet some, ask for their advice.
  • Not all courses are created equal, but all should be continually trying to improve.


Death to "Can Video Games be Art?"

Gamasutra article tries to put the final nail in the coffin of 'can video games be art?'...read the comments for some interesting informed/ill-informed debate.

link (via gamasutra)


UK to ban Internet Use for illegal downloads?!

From the BBC " People in the UK who go online and illegally download music and films may have their internet access cut under plans the government is considering."

seems terribly draconian, and means ISP will have to monitor every file you're looking at too! Nice bit of thought police control for us all. If it works in the UK it'll be in the US next.

link (via BBC)


Monday, February 11, 2008

New Semester New Posts

First off - is this the death for HD-DVD?
Netflix has gone Blu-Ray exclusive:

link (via digg)